New & used Eagle Rods - small block

* NEW Eagle small block Mopar rods - CRS6123C3D - set of 8 - $435.00 shipped within the 48 states.

* USED Eagle small block Mopar rods - CRS6123C3D - set of 8 - $213.00 shipped within the 48 states.

* NEW Eagle/ARP 8740 replacement rod bolts - ESP 12000 (for CRS6123C3D rods) - $75.00 shipped within the 48 states.

-----------------------SALE PENDING ON BOTH EAGLE ROD SETS & ROD BOLTS----------------------------------------

Parts are in Florida 32117

* USED OEM 360 unbushed rods - rebuildable cores - set of 8 - $33.00 shipped within the 48 states.

Selling because I went to using a lighter rod.