Contract Terminated Today

I don't know how ANYBODY makes money on warrantee contracts. Hell, way back in the eighties, I was part of a large store that amoungst other things repaired (mostly) Miller welders. Some outfit wanted us to do warranty work for other gasoline powered equipment. "Their terms" were such that the only way I could see you making any money is if you already magically owned all special tools for every model ever made, but were some "retired guy" who didn't actually need to make wages.

Many people seel themselves short. I look back and realize I sure as hell wasn't paid enough. When you start adding up actual operating costs, transportation, insurance, and all the rest, it gets "big" pretty fast.

The hell of it is,............and these companies know that there's always a certain amount of 'hungry' out there who don't realize just how far they are getting short changed.

I ACTUALLY had a warranty rep tell me one time, when I told him we needed more labor, that "they can't justify us (meaning me) making a PROFIT on warranty work!!!!!"