Champion Radiator 22" 3 Row Aluminum

For Sale: 1 Champion aluminum 3 row radiator. I bought this on E-Bay (Should have done that here!) but in order to fit properly in my 71 Dart I would have had to cut the bottom of the support... Since my hood was bent from a wreck at that time it did fit! I have since purchased another radiator (YES from here) and am ready to let this go for 100.00 plus shipping. I calculated postage (17 Lbs, 27" x25" x 7") from 77092 to be in the 30.00 range and I will ship it in a Champion box... I accept cash, paypal, MO, Dart parts or beer...

A few of the fin were bent but they can be straightened... No bad damage! No leaks!

I drilled these holes to mount the radiator (On both sides)