That was not fun!

Glad you made it home safely and sounds like the other drivers did also. Ice is nasty to try and drive on that's for sure.

We were doing a paving job several years back in mountains of Virgina, it was a car dealership and it started to snow while we were paving. Weather said it was going to amount to nothing so we decided to stay in a hotel for the night (we live in n.c) well by morning about a foot of snow had fallen and it was still falling with predictions of ice to move in in the afternoon. We decided to head home. 6 of us with two pickups, 1 a ford lightning the other a s-10 with a built out 350 in it... talk about a bad decision lol. The trucks with the way they were built just couldn't get up the hills so my brother in law and myself got in the bed of the lightning to get weight over the axle and the other 2 guys did the same in the s-10 bed, both trucks had the flat fiberglass covers on the beds so we had to lay down with the cover shut on top of us. Talk about a scary friggin ride, pitch dark, can't really move and all you could hear was the tires spinning all over and the exhaust. Trucks were sliding all over and us, not being able to see didn't know if they were good slides or bad. We all made it safely but man, not a recommend way or a safe way to traverse the snowy mountains.