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We just contacted the organizers to get the story on Hot Cars, but the person in charge will not be back until Monday. I will let you know when I know

I just put in a call to the organizer of the Hot cakes and Hot cars, on January 11.
When he gets back to me I will forward it all to you in this thread.

I just hung up with the organizer, George Garica, of the Hot Cakes and Hot Cars. He says he has a commitment from some group to bring about 30 cars.
It will be held at 20th Street and Camelback, Directly behind the Best Buy and I think in front of Miracle Mile Deli.

He would like the cars there by 7:30am and it will go till about 10:30.
the Hot Cars owners will received one free breakfast.
My wife volunteers there so I will be there for sure

Let me know what else I can help with.