Does this look correct


You NEED to do this test,, to tell you where the air is.. ! ! !

Once you know which system (fr or Rear) ,, is causing the problem,, (AIR)
you can narrow it down..

If it's the rear system,, it's likely air, but could be the shoes flexing on extremely oversized drums..

But at least help us narrow it down...

Sorry I did not update on this. I have done this test and from what I can tell no geyser in either port. Here is some other tests I have done:

I blocked the master ports, with the two plastic plugs that come with the master. This resulted in a firm pedal, which told me the master is good.

I left one of the plugs in and hooked one line in and got a firm pedal.

Did the opposite for the other line and also got a firm pedal, but when both lines are plumbed in, I get the spongy pedal with a decent amount of travel.

I am going to try and find some time this week to adjust the rear shoes up tight (as if the parking brake were set) and see if that changes anything.