the eggman....

Beatles song, "I am the Walrus."

Yeh. I know what it "was." What I meant was, "I never got the song."

Was never really one of my favorites

I mean, can you really "I am" the walrus?

How would you know you were, if you "am". If you "am" it seems to me that you would not "know." I mean, a dog doesn't know he's a dog, does'e? On the other hand I used to have a cat that thought SHE was a dog, or at least that's what I thought she thought.

I think you would know if you "am" the eggman, but probably would not know if you "am" the walrus.

According to Google / Wiki, this was never MEANT to make sense, LOL

"Lennon received a letter from a pupil at Quarry Bank High School, which he had attended. The writer mentioned that the English master was making his class analyse Beatles' lyrics (Lennon wrote an answer, dated 1 September 1967, which was auctioned by Christie's of London in 1992). Lennon, amused that a teacher was putting so much effort into understanding the Beatles' lyrics, wrote the most confusing lyrics he could."

Knowing Lennon, he was in somewhat stupor at the time, anyhow