Learned something, didn't cost me a dime!!!

When I was growin' up in our small town, the job I had before I left for the Navy was graveyard "radio operator" for our small town PD. On Fri/ Sat nights in the summer, if the PD expected a lot of activity, they'd put on a couple extra guys

We had ONE patrol car, "Car 10"

They'd borrow the Fire Chief's car, which had a red beacon and radio

And on "really" LOL busy weekends, sometimes one of the guys would patrol AT NIGHT in the Cushman "meter wagon." It actually had a flashing beacon and radio. Just before I went to work there, someone had tipped the thing over. These dangers to society -- and the driver -- had canvas side curtains for "inclement weather." I don't believe they had any form of heater or defroster, however.