Well today I mounted my electric oil sending unit and mechanical oil pressure gauge. My instrument cluster gauges are of course electrical, and I wanted a little feel good back up plan for the oil pressure. I used an 1/8" brass tee and 2) 1/8 x 45 degree brass adapters. This allowed me to mount the 1 1/2" VDO oil pressure gauge upwards and slightly towards the right side of the car. I should be able to see it over the right fender. My only concern is the clearance of the oil sending unit to the firewall. Because I now have an oil pressure gauge in my cluster, I have to use the larger bell type sending unit. It is angled upwards and slightly towards the firewall. I'll have to wait until I sit the car down on the drive train to check for clearance. If I do end up with a clearance issue, I'll just take the mechanical gauge out and just use the bell sending unit vertical.