Pops isnt well...

Been a while since I posted here, but I thought I would update, as I got to spend some time with Dad over the holidays. The past couple times I came home Dad hasnt been very good. Chemo has been knocking the heck outta him and his meds were messing him up pretty bad.

His current status is ok, well better than it was anyway. He now doesnt have to do dialysis anymore! YAY!! Im surprised by that as it is unusual for people to be able to "quit" dialysis. His 1st 4 month round of Chemo is done(been done for about 2 months), and his meds have been lessened/changed, so he doesnt have the mood swings that he was having.
He now has a tough decision ahead of him. He has an "opportunity" to get admitted to Kingston General Hospital in their Oncology clinic. Basically going for Stem cell transplants and more Chemo. This time the Chemo will be even heavier than his 1st round. This is a very tough decision for him and everyone involved. The treatment could very well take him. This is approx a 2 month process. Kingston is 3-4 hours from home for him and he is worried about being away from home and surviving the treatment. There are no guarantees he will survive it, especially seeing as he is NOT eating much and is around 135 pounds now.
This isnt a poor me thread, but Im hoping good karma and wishes will help him pull thru this, although there is no cure his rare form of Myeloma.

here are pics I took tonight of Dad n me and his brothers/my Uncles. My Uncle Ron(in the dark plaid) is on Dads right and my Uncle Rick is on his left.

Thanks all for the lending of your "ears"