Is this True about converters??

The reason I ask is that this company KMJ uses welding (turbine and impeller fins) instead of furnace brazing and says that their TCs are good to 500 HP. I thought that was pretty good for $191.00 and free shipping!! That's for a stock stall 2004R non lock up converter. I'm putting a 2004R into my cuda.


I have my doubts about a stock 2004R converter being good for 500HP. GM couldn't do it, and I'll bet that if you go to Art Carr, ATI, PTC, Continental, Marv Ripes, and the like, you won't get a STOCK converter good for 500HP. Youv'e done a great job on the conversion, don't cheap out on the converter you need. Match the converter to your engine specs and be happy mon.:glasses7: