So came home from a walk with my girlfriend and some punks slashed two of the tires on my dart.
I have a fairly positive idea who did it.
Last week three young guys with very special silver capped teeth threw their trash in my yard when I got home. I hopped out and told em to pick up their **** and they walked away. I picked it up and threw it at them but they were twice as far as I could throw it. So I took off after them. Being anemic and a two time kidney transplant recipient I am not in the best of health. So I could not catch them.
So they paid me back today by slashing the tires.
So now I am going out to spend several hundred on a camera system with hard drive so I can at least see pictures of them do it the next time.
The local police are useless.
I have had two hit and runs, my back pack stolen out of a car, and gas stolen and they will not even show up!
Girlfriend is all paranoid now about them hurting the house or her pets.
Not gonna back down. :finga: