Making things difficult...

Why does she do it?? The wife that is. Every time we go shopping she does it at least 3-4 times. She wanted to make Tacos for dinner last night. We were in the store, she wanted to buy uncooked corn tortillas. They did not have any. She was grumbling about it while walking towards the aisle where they have all the bread/tortillas etc. There is 4 or so different brands. She asks me which one to I know anything about them...I say, don't know....which ever one you want. 30 seconds later, she asks again, which response the same....another few seconds we repeat it again.....I finally get a bit snappy and just tell her to grab one of them....This happens on a pretty regular basis. She asked me to divide up the 5 pounds of chop meat she got yesterday. Keep in mind she used a chunk of it last night for the above mentioned Tacos. But of course she did not use a evenly cut off portion, more like she scooped out some of it. Thanks to being ocd this is the sort of thing that freaks me out a bit... My response was no problem, just show me where you want it divided up at. Her response, how ever much you think we will eat at one serving. Now being the smart *** I am at times I just started to wrap the entire package up. She had some snide remark. I again asked her to divide it up, and got the same response. She told me to just leave it. She finally just came over and separated it into what she wanted for me to wrap. I love her with all my soul, but damn it stop making some things so frigging difficult....Rant off....