Making things difficult...

Indeed women's job is to drive us nuts.

The Scene: My then fiance's condo, Monday after Moparfest. I am reading the sports page.

C is in the kitchen, pans are crashing, she seems perturbed about something. I ask myself, "What have I done?" Nothing immediately sprang to mind.

Finally she huffs in and plants herself next to me on the couch, her arms crossed, steam practically coming out of her ears. I think to myself "This can't be good". I continue to read my paper, I wanted to finish the article I was reading so I did. I then took a breath, closed my paper and calmly asked her what the problem was.

Her:"You didn't ask me"
Me: "Ask you what?"
H: "To go with you"
M: "Go where?"
H: "The car show".
I think "Are you effin kidding me?"

At that time I rode shotgun with my friend Greig in his 70 GTX.

M: "Well it isn't my car. It is up to Greig, his wife doesn't come."
H: "You could have asked".
M: "You'd be bored silly. Its two days of looking at cars, talking about cars and drinking beer."
Anyway it went on like this for a while. Finally:

M: "Its Greig's car. You would be bored. And besides YOU HATE CARS. Why on earth would I ever ask you to go to a car show?"

H: "Well, you could have asked"

ay chihuahua.