Making things difficult...

...and some things we just have to learn to live with because they're never going to change.
Couple of cases in point:
* I continue to get the question of, "What would you like for dinner tonight?" First off, what I'd really like may be something she doesn't like so I know better than to answer truthfully. Second, I don't know what the food inventory consists of. Doesn't do much good to say, "How about fried chicken?" if there's no chicken in the house. Just give me a couple of options to choose from and it's a done deal.
* I do most of the grocery shopping - we both agree I'm better at it and spend less money. We both like to cook but I'm more "adventurous" about trying new things and like foods a bit spicier than she does. But I also know she has some favorite items that you just don't sub out for different brands. Sometimes she'll also just need a certain amount of an item for baking, etc. So I go to the store before we do our Christmas baking with a list of things she needs for what we're going to do...trouble is the list isn't specific. Example: I'm a guy and "flour" just isn't enough information when there's several different brands, multiple types of flour, and packages of different amounts. There may have been 15 items on her shopping list that day and it meant at least 6 calls back home for specific details before I was done. Thank God for cell phones!