Wish me luck

well...........................Shes runnin with just a turn of the key. Took a video but cant get it to download..Dam it. Iam soooooooooooooo flippin stooooooooooked. Ron, AKA Dodgefreak73 , Rob aka Rustratrod and jd340 thanks all. Rob, the carb works great, no tinkering with it at all yet and Jd , thanks for the help with the sending unit but Ron, Man, thank you so very much for coming over and helping me. Im in debt to you bud. I wish I could do more fore you. This is a HUGE pick me up, I so need it and with all of you helping me in thoughts it happened. Thanks everyone. Now if I can try and figure out how to download this dam video..........LOL

Edd, this is awesome news! I've enjoyed working with you on the Dart and look forward to getting over to hear this sucker rumble in person. It was a huge challenge to sort out all the wiring but what a relief to finally have it running. I'm just happy to have you as a friend and was glad to be able to help you out. I also want to thank everybody else that has helped Edd with parts & support through this build. It's been a challenge for him but the man has made huge progress with this car and has done so with a small 1 car garage and minimal tools. Way too go EDD!!!!:cheers: