Why so many cars ending up like this

I agree with all of your comments, but what is it worth? My guess is $1,000 could buy it. What do you guys think?

That's kinda my thinking, if someone tore a car completely down and now for what ever reason cant put it back together, their not going to get a lot for the car.
I think at $1000 that would be a good buy, and like the other guys said, you know what the body looks like. And some of the works done.
But I think there are a limited number of us guys willing to take on someone else's blown apart project, and if you do this to a car, don't expect to get all your money back when you want out.
There are many other cars out there that can be had for $2500, that are running driving cars. Maybe have worse body than this one, but they can be driven and fixed up at the same time. Where this is a 1 -5 year project for somebody.

Just to be clear, I'm not looking to buy this car. I only have a one car garage, and that's were my dart lives. If I bought a project like this one, my dart would have to live outside for the next 5 years, and that's not going to happen.

I am thinking about another old mopar for a daily driver, but it will be a running / driving car when I buy it, and I can fix it up a little at a time.