66 dart convertible

I just caught the tail end of your thread and heard mention of motivation. Dang, I wish there were Mopar pills that would give me a push. Although I did go over to the storage garage and start my Dart up and pull it out to the parking lot. I found my spare front bumper and I need to get it stripped and sent off to the plating company. Gee, I guess I did get motivated a bit! lol

ME TOO! on the Mopar pills,, I'm slugging as much :coffee2: as I can to start buzzin, but it's slow going so far!
heck, I'm nowhere near close to plating my bumpers. I'd be happy to finish the engine so I can start putting the other stuff on. like convertible top (gotta repaint the dash to door top's and steering wheel and tube. Tan looks UGLY against the buckskin top. so backwards another step! GAH!!!!
My crummy looking pillar posts need redone too! (I'm thinking of adding pod's to them for gauges, ANOTHER project dangit I'll never get done!)