71 Duster 360 (new project)


torsion bars are back in and somewhat adjusted...need to get car on ground to get final front end height done......did a quick check on the toe..moved the tie rods so they are equal length and the rotors are pointing straight ahead...so I should be somewhat close...plus the steering is now centered..

well...went to bleed the new brakes...all 4 corners have strange disc brakes....I have a pressure bleeder that makes it all simple...but ...can not find the one part the goes on the dam master cylinder...so that is delayed...

anyway...I had made mention of a dam water leak..top of water pump between the by pass and heater ...tried to mickey mouse it...but it still leaked...removed ....cleaned both pump and timing over surfaces...put some new RTV...and will see tomorrow....

Then i went on a bicycle ride with my grandson....

Think I am going to fire the engine tomorrow...plus I gotta adjust the rear coil over shock ride height...off just a bit...but got plenty of adjustment ...