I'm not trying to correct you when I say this, but in addition to the cut off, and the duct tape, ( which my wife's cat carries around the house in his teeth.) a vise makes it easy too. EXCEPT MY BUDDY MIKE WANTED TO SEE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF HE CUT A HP PROBOOK APART WITH A CHAINSAW, WHICH TURNED INTO THE VISE GETTING RIPPED OFF THE STEEL TOP TABLE, AND THE CORNER OF THE TABLE IS NO LONGER THERE, BUT IT IS ON THE BOTTOM OF THE VISE !!!!! This is after he put a tire on a rim, and than filled it with hair spray, put a lighter to it, and gave it a swift kick. I think our tire reached the moon before China's Chang 3 lunar lander, or Amazon's idea of U.A.V.'s . Screw them. There's a lot of nothing good happening around here.