More distributor/advance questions

First, what do you have NOW? There is normally a number stamped, usually on the bottom of the Mopar advance:

The number 15 above is DISTRIBUTOR degrees which means that you are getting THIRTY (30) at the crank. This is a VERY long and would have been slow "smog" advance

Somewhere I read (cannot confirm) that the Mopar adjustable weights actually gave trouble, something about being twitchy because of the construction of the mechanism............I can't confirm or deny

There are TONS of articles,

Ideally you want to determine what the engine wants for total.

Dyno, G-tech, or other instrumentation, or the "old way......" strip times

And determine what the engine wants for initial.

Those two points will determine your curve LENGTH

Springs are "in the middle" IE too much advance too soon will cause knock / ping at low/ med RPM too slow won't give you the power you want. I'd start about 2500 for "all in" but you'll likely get a whole range of answers.