rodent proofing a garage

We had a shed one year we kept the Christmas tree and junk in, when I brought in the Christmas stuff that year I also brought in some mice. What a pia. Ended up bringing in a Rubbermaid trash can and ran a yard stick from the counter to the trash can with the majority of the yard stick over the trash can, then put some peanut butter on the end of the yard stick. You guessed it, mice would walk the plank, balance shifted when they got to the end and each morning for probably 5 days was a mouse waiting in the bottom of the can.

The wife didn't want to kill the adorable little fckers so had to do it that way. Just be sure when you transport them away you take them a good ways down the road as they will find a way back home.

We got a cat after that, it had kittens of course but never had a mice problem after that.