shopping for 360 engine block what to look for…?

i am in the market for a 360 engine block ready to be rebuilt to my specs. I am looking for a good foundation to work with. My plan is to slowly build this engine to my desired specifications over the next year. I am learning so go easy on me guys, as i know many of you probably think my questions are dumb.

I've been seeing a '78 dodge 360 engine bare block online for sale for a while. it is completely stripped down to bare bones with exception to the cam and crank shafts. It is being sold for $100.00. Is this a fair price for a good shape block? Also, what should i look for in terms of a bad block(i.e. cracks and or rust) when checking out the engine in person? i guess i am a little over my head, but i really want to try to build a 360 engine in the garage on my own for once. Any suggestions are welcome. My hope is to find a 360 in need of rebuilding, send bare block to engine shop in order to machine, then assemble in my garage. thanks in advance!