Who here has high blood pressure?

That's VERY good news! the more/longer you do this, the better as it will help!

It takes time and determination to keep it up tho.....

Going for a sleep study next week, my primary care doc is thinking that my serious sleep troubles are the blame for me having zippo for energy...and my inability to lose any weight.
Been on the treadmill enough that I wore out the original belt....and it's replacement is on the way out. I was once told that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit...I am convinced it is true. Before if I missed one day on the treadmill it would lead to another then another. Anymore, no matter how miserable I feel, I get on the treadmill. Used to be if I was not on it by 6 at night I would not bother....last week I got busy and had to skip a day....or so I thought....I could not make myself skip it, ended up getting on it at 9:30 at night. I feel better than I have in a while, used to be on the end hole of the belt now I am 3 in. Have made up my mind that if I do have sleep apnea I will not blow off getting the cpap...