New guy to big block world, need a 400HP 383 Recipe

Here is .030" over 383 Magnum "resto", if you like it I will post up the build in detail.
* this particular build uses the stock cast "jobber" Pistons because the Customer already had them.... but far easier to repeat today with KB's.
Stock Rods W/ARP Bolts
Ported Iron Heads w/stock 2.08"/ 1.74" Valves
CompCams 274 Hydraulic Flat Tappet

Just pay attention to detail, good machining practises used, don't break the bank on Porting... just make sure your Guy KNOWS how to do Seat & Valve preparation "properly", and is familiar with Mopar heads... NOT "thinks" he is !
the factory Iron castings... all of them that I know of... are all more than capable of supporting over 400 hp on a wee-83 with just minor Bowl work even on the stock untouched port window... other than that.. it is the Valve and SEAT Angle prep that makes the difference !

430 HP and 444 Ft/Lbs of Torque