4 speed shifter problems need help here

I believe it is done. I received the shifter adapter yesterday and put it on. put on the shifter. Pinned it in neutral with a 1/4" drill bit. played with the tranny levers, played with the rods and this is what I came up with. I think the B/E shifter worked better. for some reason I cannot see how an a body shifter levers that is any closer together would have allowed the adjusters to be installed. maybe I didn't do something right but this is the finished product as to what I came up with. I had to use a different reverse rod because the one that came with the set hit the bottom of the tranny crossmember. I adjusted all the swivels to where they fit good and put the cotter key in. I pulled the drill bit out and went through the gears and it shifts great. Nothing hits and nothing binds anywhere. not even close. It seems much closer than my Chevelle was. But that was a long time go. look at the pics below and tell my what you think. thanks for all of your guys input. maybe it is on to the next task. Bill