Ignition Coil Questions

MSD Ballster vs Accel Super Coil = no noticeable difference in any possible street or race application. (excluding manufacturing quality irregularity or failure due to outsourcing quality)

Your Mopar box requires you to run a ballast resistor.

What you want to consider on is two things:

1: does your electronic ignition box regulate coil current? Mopar type = no, so they always require ballast resistor in proper total resistance including coil. So, look at the resistance of coil + ballast required to be operated in concert with mopar electronic box.

2: Migrate to an electronic ignition control system such as HEI or MSD which does regulate coil current and does not require a coil which has to operate with a ballast. Then you can operate the coil at full voltate (12 - 15V) and get a bit more fire power from the coil (rate coil at proper ohms) and regarding MSD or similar multi-spark controllers - can help with low rpm torque issues related to huge camshaft combustion event inefficiency at low rpm.