Time For a rebuild
The master cylinder finally came, I picked up some wilwood brake fluid and bench bled it and got it in the car. Started bleeding the brakes, rear want well and no leaks. The wilwood brakes on the front was a different story. I started bleeding the front and it seemed like a large amount of air in the system. I had the front brakes in the car last summer with drum brake on the old rear end and everything was bled and ready to go. When I changed to the 9" I put disc's on the back and had to change the master cylinder so that's why I was bleeding the brakes. It was very strange as I have never experienced anything like this when bleeding brakes before, but the fluid coming out was like foam. I would bleed the brakes into a clean container ( one that the new brake fluid came in) and let it sit but the foam would not go away would not float to the top and pop just stayed suspended in the fluid. After a while the fluid cleared up as the new fluid came through the system, as I got down to the end I needed to top off the master cylinder, but was out of new fluid. I grabbed one of the full bottled I had filled near the end of this bleeding marathon. Poured some into a clear container and it seemed fine. So I poured some into the master cyl put the cap on and had my dad pump up the brakes. Cracked the bleeder screw and clean fluid no air bubbles then all of a sudden foam again. I removed the master cylinder cap and the inside was foam. I sucked some fluid out of the master cylinder and removed the foam. I went back to the parts store (1.5 hr round trip) today picked up 3 more bottles of brake fluid. I pumped the brakes and checked the master cyl no foam ( must of got all the old bad fluid with the turkey baster). Topped off the master cylinder with new fluid and re bled the fronts but by the end no foam or air.