71 Duster 360 (new project)
With the entourage these days...3 cars...3 trailers...3 pickups....might be taking up half of the pits at LVMS....lol
Probably will try to get to back of the grandstand as it is less walking for me...but I will have my bicycle...lol
Saturday...Probably only have two cars there...as this Duster will be needing most of the attention...and have 71 Dart.....Sunday should have all 3 cars there if the two above survive the day along with my debt card...lol
Paid Doctor Diff website a visit.....new spool...new ring and gear...new crush sleeve eliminator... new yoke......hope to have new gearing in car by feb 15...
Belts installed...
Looks like I overfilled the trans....drip...drip...