It was only a SMALL GAS LEAK. Post yours here

I have a story "that didn't happen." Years ago, there WERE no "dual tanks." (Yep I'm an old guy). In a previous life I sold auto parts. Guys were always buying aftermarket tanks, or even building them, for pickups.

So this guy comes in, gets a bunch of prices on fuel hose, tubing, electric vs hand switchover valves, filters, and fittings.

Couple of weeks later he comes in, gets ahold of me, asks "do I remember him," and "Yes." He buys "all this stuff," pays for it and then he tells me

"You know, after I got those prices, I went down the street and bought a tee and some hose, and I was so proud of all the money I saved. I filled up both tanks, and put the truck away. Couple of hours later I stepped out into the garage, there there was gas all over the floor. And, the furnace is out there."