Talk me into Fenderwell Headers

Well I have run them on early "A's" They are nice for a few reasons. You can install and remove them in about 20 minutes. They don't run along the starter so that is also easy removed and installed. Same with the oil filter, makes oil changes real easy. They look bad *** inside the motor compartment and they even look cool going down through the fenders.

With all that said I'm pretty much over using them. Mostly for the reasons you mentioned like the exhaust and routing it under the frame. It hangs down low in the perfect spot to hit speed bumps. They can rattle if the cut outs are two small or you try and tuck the exhaust up to high on the drivers side. Limits the size front tire you can run. Now even though I still think they look cool in the engine compartment I'm over the looks in the fender well and the exhaust hanging down so low.

I don't think the cut outs hurt the structure of the frame if done right and not getting carried away. My car never had any problems in years of daily driving with no sub frame connectors or any other frame modifications.

If going fender well headers I recommend just doing it right and adding side pipes as well! :-D