Correcting Speedo after Wheel change.

Go down the highway at a steady 60 mph. When you pass a mile marker start your stopwatch. How many seconds does it take to get to the next mile marker?

Repeat a couple of times for accuracy.

You can use that to determine if you have to increase your teeth and how many from what is already in the transmission.

That's pretty much what I did originally over 10 mile stretches.

But last tire upgrade, I used a GPS and compared that to the indicated speed. Did the math to find a multiplier. 68 indicated and 60 actual is 68/60 = 1.133 for example . Then checked what speedo gear was in the trans and applied the constant. The speedo gear is right there when you didconnect the speedo cable from the trans.

If your speedo is reading high, you need more teeth on the gear. So if you have a 30 tooth gear now, multiply by 1.133 to get 34.0 teeth required. Went on line and bought a new gear with the correct number of teeth (or as close as you can get)
Now the speedo matches the GPS.