Oil pressure-How much is too much?

I meant to type Feb 2nd for the test drive. As far as breaking it in, I'm pretty sure it has more to do with the rings and the lifters (if its a flat tappet cam) . I have a solid roller and I didn't hammer it too hard, just a couple of half to 3/4 throttle hits and lifting when the tach hit 5000. I did take a cell phone video and the quality sucks. I'm getting a GoPro before the springtime and will have plenty of videos to post on youtube then. We'll see what it needs as far as oil viscosity, probly wind up with something a little heavier than the 5w20. I also bought a Sealed power regular volume/pressure pump and will likely try that at some point. It's my first Mopar hot rod and I'm very happy with it so far.