70 Charger on Ebay

I love coming onto an A-body site to see links to B-bodies on another site that specializes in selling stuff that even starving kids in 3rd-world countries can look for using that particular site's "search" function.

I mean, I knew I wanted one of something that's not typically found on this site, and so this is the first place I came to look for that thing, you know?

I mean, I know how to use the internet, but it's a good thing that people need to post something up here to tell me about it, because I never would have thought to go look for that specific thing I wanted in a place it shouldn't be, by using that thing on that site that has what I want, as opposed to that thing which isn't found on this site, that I'm presently on.


What I LOVE is when I take the time out of my busy day to post something that MIGHT be of interest to most members of this site and we get that one stupid troll who wants to be critical just to attract some much needed attention to himself.

In almost every one of those posts, the self appointed "guardian of the site" wants to share his misguided opinion of what should and should not be discussed here, and in doing so he usually makes himself look like an idiot.

I realize that this is the "for A bodies only" site, but the title of this thread AND this post respectively is "MOPAR for sale ads" and "MOPAR automobiles for sale".
In addition, I took the time to real the rules which specifically state that Ebay links are ok.

You obviously DIDN'T read the forum rules or the LARGE BLUE WARNING in the title of the reply box which clearly states Commentary is NOT allowed in For Sale forums. Relevant questions ONLY!

Comments about the condition of the car in question are technically not allowed either, but they are MUCH more forgivable than your pathetic trolling.

I agree with you, a couple of years back someone posted a Ebay link for B,C,and E body parts. A lot of sheet metal, Dash stuff Bucket seats, etc. Well as it turned out it was right in my back yard! 25 miles away. Turns out this guy was getting divorced and had to sell this stuff and it was "pick up only". I won the auction for $127.00!! It was a pick up truck and a 6 x 10 trailer full! Had this member not posted this non A-body link, I would have missed out on a Hell of a deal. I for one welcome any Mopar Link on here.