help electrical problem!

i'll poise this question to confirm my opinion and maybe will add some info. IE: the brake and turn are always one "package" ( sorry i realize package is not correct auto term). the tail and side marker lights are another ????? ...

Absolutely correct

The only "cross connection" to the park/ tail circuit and the signal / hazard circuits are


The wires run in the same harness

They go to the same sockets

And I STILL don't have an answer from the OP about what, exactly he has done or checked.

So far as the side markers blinking, there is just one other possibility. There was, running around Al Gore's www, some project where you could rewire the markers to blink with the signal lamps. This is fairly easy to do, here is how GM did it.

Instead of grounding the side marker lamps, which have two wires, you leave the wire originally hooked to the park circuit alone. You re-route the ground wire to the signal lamp wire on that side of the car.

Here's how this works

With park lamps OFF, and signals flashing, the side markers light WITH the signal lamps, as the markers ground through the NOT powered filaments of the park / tail lamps.

With park / head lamps ON, and signals flashing, the side markers light when the signals are OFF, and go out when the signals flash ON. This is because with park light power ON, you now have power on both sides of the marker, when park power is present, and when signal power is present.

THIS IS why I asked the OP if the wiring has been hacked, .............somebody might have performed this "mod."