Gas gauge calibration unit

Stop trying to turn this into an argument over ego, which is exactly what you sound like. This is about different approaches to a problem, and in your case, I see no way to allow for differences in gauge unit and sender unit differences from car to car.

No ego is involved, I want to see his fix in action. When will there be a working model?? If it is better than mine, I will be the first to pull mine out and use his.
I still want to know how much it will cost.

Whether or not it works, may have been a slight dig, I had mentioned that I was working on the problem and refused a number of requests to tell anyone my approach and or costs, until I got a working model. I also gave my work to others for free, only wanting a Thank You as payment. I did not say I wanted a royalty for the work I put in.

I found my first working model needed some improvement so I improved it and actually found it dropped my cost. Less than $1, but far be it from me to harp on that.