Help with Classes/Rules in drag racing

First please have patience with as I ask a bunch of questions,I'm completely new to the world of drag racing and I hope I get good answers from you guy's!!!!!!!

-I'm having problems figuring out some class rules out of the N.H.R.A rule book,Mostly dealing with Pro and Super Pro under section 4 A in the book,
1-Can U use a delay box in the pro class??? or does the track decide that???

2-Can you use a Air or electric shifter in Pro/Super pro class,I can't find anything defining a air/electric shifter??

3-Do any of you run both in Pro/Super pro class on any given weekend or is it too expensive to do so.

4- How many of you in Pro class have gotten your N.H.R.A. license or do you not even bother with it since it's not a requirement.

5-Can a Transbrake be used in Pro class???? WHat about a step launch control???

6-I want to install a two bank Fast air/fuel monitor is this considered a Data recorder as they state in section 4 A-group 9 ???? It only monitors fuel/air ratio's with a play back function????

Thanks Guy's More to come--Steve (A.K.A.swifter) W.B.C. Racing

Lisa and I both run pro.There are no delay boxes or throttle stops allowed.our track does not allow you to run Pro and Super pro on the same day unless you have two cars.
At our track we can run an electric shifter, two step and a transbrake. You can run a wide band 02 sensor with no problems.