Grand Spaulding Dodge

I met Mr.Norm a few years back at a local car show. I got to talking to him and he told me an interesting story.

He said that they used to purposefully advertise on the radio station WLS (AM 89) at night. During the day, they had to "turn down" the power from the antennae that they were using to broadcast from the top of the Sears Tower. At night, they were allowed to "Crank up" the power and the advertisement could be heard from the east coast to the west coast (California). So they would advertise on WLS at night so it could reach out to more people across the country. ---> Very clever...

Mr. Norm is a real nice guy and easy to talk to. I bought some memorabilia from him and got him, his son, and grandson to autograph some of them. Three generations of Mr. Norm!

I told him that I appreciated him "showing up" Chrysler by making the GSS'es and proving that a 440 could fit into an a-body, so then Chrysler offered them in '69. He never really looked at it that way.