Long time in the dumps and think of getting out of mopars

Hi I have been in the dumps for a long time.First of all trying to get my car painted,lost my business,lost a job then going back to ford. A ford I found that the service writer was stealing money from me and giving to one of the other mechanics.They reimbursed me the money then fired me.At the same time I got fired I had an interview with
Penn Dot.I got the job and things has been turning around ever since.I went to the body shop and picked up my car(yes it was unfinished).I have four people interested in buying it(decided to give up on the car and mopars). The job has been the best ever and I am going to try to take a new step in life.I took down my avatars and did not renew my gold member because I wont be visting this site much anymore. Some of you guys need a lesson in life and most of you guys in hear are the greatest.This site has some of the best advise I have seen anywhere.Good luck to you all. Mark