Long time in the dumps and think of getting out of mopars

Here is what I would suggest doing, as I've been in circumstances that I wouldn't wish on enemies;

Do one thing at a time. Changing jobs is taxing on your stability, mentally and financially.

Once you've gotten used to your new position in life, come back to your car and make your decision, then.

It's entirely too easy to blanket everything in life with one group of emotions, either positive or negative. Just like you said, some people here need a life lesson, some are the greatest. Approach each thing in your life like this. It's not all one-way streets.

If it makes you feel any better, my first car/ mopar/ '68 Charger was wrecked before I could drive it, and I bought it running and driving. I've had it since I was in high school and it's nowhere near finished. You're ahead of me, by a long shot. I've put other projects in front of it out of necessity, as it seems you have, too. Am I going to sell it? No. Not ever, because I don't rely on other people coming through, to make my success a reality. If I can't deal, I'll improvise. Looks to me like you are doing just that. Keep doing it and keep your head on the goal. The process is only how you get to the goal.

If a body shop sat on *** and didn't do your car, fine. Get another shop that will, even if you have to do it 3 times over, once it's done, you'll see that it doesn't matter how you get there. If you can't afford it, fine. Wait until you have a solid plan that is in the works to fund it.