Long time in the dumps and think of getting out of mopars

.I have been told that it is people not the car i have that is making me feel this way.That is a vary good point.I had my car for over 20 years and been getting ripped off by body aholes for the last 10 years.

Figuratively speaking, I don't care if it's cars, guns, amateur radio, or underwater basketweaving. There's good and bad folks everywhere. It's certainly no worse in Moparland than it is Chivvyland or Ferdiland.

When I was a young man, I was continually brainwashed how amateur radio was a "fraternity." Well, it ain't. There are less than honest folk and really helpful folk wherever you go.

I don't know what to tell you. I would not be too anxious, if your finances, are in fair shape, and you have storage space, to get rid of the car. Just let it sit awhile.

Maybe try 'n make some new friends