66 dart convertible
Thanks for letting me help you with your project. VERY impressed with all the different skillz!!! We're a lot alike. I program industrial computers and robots for a living, but an avid hobbiest too. I can design, program, build or invent just about anything.
My jaw dropped when I saw you take a break from all the body work to do some printed circuit boards!!!
Carry on :)
Thanks. hey I couldn't finish the dart with out you making the parts could I? thanks for making stuff for our early A's
engine and body work are easy if you do them right I learned a lot for oldtimers when I was growing up and it sort of stuck with me. I've adapted to the newer paints and such but the basic's are still good.
as for the Other projects (other than programming 10 years doing the robotic loading arms for the glass furnaces and NC work at Chryslers another 20years running the complete line from start to finish) that was OJT for them, their philosophy was learn it or someone else would do it. I learned.
truthfully I didn't know much of ANYTHING about any of my projects until I started them, it all a learning experience for me, fun and just a challenge to see if I can do it.
I had the help of slantsixdan with figures and charts he sent me so I'd have to meet (lumens, viewing areas and such) I couldn't have done a safe street tail light with out his help. that project led me to the vacuform and cnc projects ohhh and I learned a little about circuitry too!:D
I wanted to make pods(need vacuform for that) that go into the tail light for the leds to make it a plug and play setup (1 wire splice is all it'll take.) and no mods to the tail light buckets either. and making the LED boards just plain sucked drilling those tiny holes (166 per board, made the CNC a project to drill the holes for me!)
so it's really just a continuation of my work on the dart.