Fuel injection questions

well, time for a six month update...... lol.

My brother bought the truck, and wants to use it as a hauler. He bought his first home, and really needs a truck to make Home Depot runs. We have let the truck just sit there since he bought it, but his motivation has returned and Im glad to help. I got the truck pulled up to my driveway, and it looks like amateur hour under the hood. Vacuum lines hanging all over the place, connectors unplugged, harnesses cut off, the whole nine yards.

I told him to forget it and buy himself a 4bbl intake, and I would give him an edelbrock 1405 I had gotten in a trade a while back. I went outside today and pulled the intake and valve covers off. I'm going to get the 4bbl intake on it this weekend. The engine looks sound, at least under the intake. I was happy to see no oil buildup or cam wear.

As I was cleaning up for the day pondering stuff in my head, one question did pop into my head that I have never really sorted out. I am hoping that you can point me in the right direction.

Fuel pressure -I am going from a TBI to a carb, and unless I am mistaking, the fuel pressure will be a little too high for the carb float to keep under control. About 6 pounds higher than needed. I thought about bolting in a mechanical fuel pump from a carbureted engine, but I would still have to stop the electric fuel pump (which Im assuming is in the tank) from pushing fuel. Then I would still have a return line to deal with.