Long time in the dumps and think of getting out of mopars


do what ya gotta do man. take a break and see if you change your mind. spring time and nice weather may get you back in the groove. if not sell and don't look back , though if you have people interested now it may be the time to do it... if you ever want to get back in there will be cars there.

i've been slowly liquidating stuff myself. got tired of stockpiling all that stuff and tripping over it. pulled the yellow dart apart because i was tired of putting money into just another rusty slant six car. been trying to convince jamie into selling her dart because i really don't feel like working on it. the heart just isn't into it. been enjoying my mustang too much to worry about her dart and haven't had to dump money into it other then routine maintenance. even thought about selling that to and buying a new one.

i will always love the classic mopars but at this point i'm really bored of them. been messing with them since i was a kid and pretty much just lost interest in them. if i sell everything i'm sure down the road i'll find something that sparks my interest again then it will be if i want to spend the money on the car or not..

as a kid i drove nothing but mopars (well first two cars were pontiacs) but as i have gotten older there are a lot of other brand cars that i would really like to own also.. i'm a mopar guy but really appreciate and like other brand cars too.

good luck in anything you choose...