Long time in the dumps and think of getting out of mopars

So who all is this directed towards? People like me who live in a 14 year old double wide because it's all I can afford and have two ten year old cars as daily drivers? People like me who send BIG things like racing seats to friends in CANADA for FREE? I do what I do to get by and if that included "jumping the wagon" then that's my frikkin business and not anybody else's.

Or maybe it's directed at those on here who live in multi million dollar houses but never ever seem to donate on any benefit thread? Please, tell me who you directed this to.

you know it was the latter but whine on buddy , I live in an apartment and rent a garage for my car ,when someone in true need asks I help when I can , when someone with a three bedroom cedar home with a matching detached garage on a chunk of land comes on here begging I draw the line , I have offered to help some of those guys in the past and had it spit in my face so good riddance , the last couple of years there has been a pretty steady stream of guys coming on here saying there fed up with the hobby and blah blah blah well if your not into move on , I work damn hard for everything I have and come to FABO to enjoy fellowship with like minded mopar enthusiasts not read about how the hobby is crap because .... If your on here looking for sympathy look in the dictionary it's somewhere in betweet shyte and syphillus , This is a subject that comes up every time I visit other FABO members and maybe it's time someone put it in words, If your ill or laid up then of course we all want to be there for you but if your life isn't working out the way you planned , welcome to the human race buddy , suck it up buttercup . rant over moving on to happier things .