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It was`nt a matter of trust, it was internet jabber albiet ford. I guess I was tring to avoid 250 ft-lb cause it takes my whole body weight to get 150 ft-lbs LOL

LOL... no big deal. Just had to throw that in there to be ornery. Do you have a yoke holder? That makes torqueing the pinion nut a lot easier. If you don't have one their not too hard to make. There's a couple home made ones in the "home made tool thread" that guys made real easy. Here's a link to the thread and you'll find them in post # 162 and 228

3rd members aren't easy to chuck up in a vise. Not sure how your holding yours but there's also a post there where I showed my home made adapter to bolt a 8-3/4 unit to a engine stand to make servicing easy. You'll find it in post # 143
contrary to your pinion preload statement pinion shim change does change preload.
As far as shim stack, I understand all that, My kit came with 30s20s10s and 8s. .023 was needed, ol Doc had a 23 but the id was smaller and od was bigger. I had to modify, took an hour+ to do that.

If your saying the pinion depth shim changes pinion bearing preload your wrong. The pinion bearing preload is solely determined by the pinion spacer/shim length and nothing else. You could put a 1/8" shim behind the pinion bearing or it's race and it wont affect the pinion bearing preload. I may not be the expert some here are but I learned that a long time ago.

Lets keep in mind that their are 2 types of pinion shims when you have a differential with a solid pinion spacer. The pinion depth shim sets the pinion depth position. The pinion spacer shim sets the pinion bearing preload

I invite comments from the local experts yea and nay. If I'm wrong I'll admit it