Graveyard Cruz, What's up with dropping cars!!!

"Sorry for being pissed off over tv being taken over by crapshoot programing. I remember when I could watch science/discovery/history channel and learn stuff. Now its all reality and bs drama.

Anybody remember the days of modern marvels?"

Man, I could not agree more.

I was happy to hear about a Mopar TV show, but I could not sit through the 1st 5 minutes of that show and had to change the channel.
And for you guys willing to watch Graveyard Carz just because it had Mopars - really? A show that makes Mopar guys look like jerks, whining pussies and idiots is worth watching, just because it has Mopars?
The channel it's on is all about cars, for car people, not some mish mash of other crap like the Kartrashians or that Honey Boo Boo vomit. So the focus should be on the cars. It's sad that people will put up with that 90% of nonsense just to get 10% car content. It's even sadder if these guys on Graveyard Carz let the producers show then to be tools and whiners just for a buck. Talk about selling out.
Don't lower your standards. Crap tv is still crap tv, even if they shove some Mopar eye candy in between the garbage the producers want to film. There are plenty of other shows, even reality ones, that won't insult your intelligence. Choose not to participate in a race to the bottom of the barrel and maybe this crap tv will die the death it sorely deserves.