Graveyard Cruz, What's up with dropping cars!!!

Why do these posts seem to pop up every couple of months?

For the last time, all the drama, all the cars dropping off the jacks and all the screwing off and dicking around done by the employees is all scripted for the tv network. Mark already came out when the show first aired and said that he wanted to do a show that was strictly informative about working on mopars and none of the networks would pick the show up unless it had a bunch of drama. So the only way they could get the show to air was by acting like a bunch of idiots like they do for 90% of the show. Obviously their shop isn't ran like that all the time. It's just acting in front of the cameras.

Mark said during the first season that he had hoped they would start letting him do more restoration stuff and less drama as the show went along. Well they finally threw him a bone (albeit a small one) where they give him about a 10 min section near the end of the show this season where he strictly goes over stuff like how to build a dash or how to read VIN's, etc. During that 10 minute segment, there's no screwing around or acting like an ***. It seems like the way he would normally act.

If anything we should be mad at the tv networks for playing to the lowest common denominator. I don't know of a single person that watches any of these car shows for the drama. All we want to see are cars being built and the final product. The tv networks think we tune in week to week to watch Darren and Mark argue when in reality we just want to see the damn cars.