Ammo where you are???

Double charges in a .22-

In the fall of 67 / spring of 68, before I went into the Navy, my job was "dispatcher" of our small town PD graveyard. But I worked day shift on Sunday

The "boys" were reloading ammo, 38 special, in the back room and wanted the dispatchers to help. There wasn't much going on Sunday, of course.

So you had a LOT of hands "in the pot." Back then I didn't know a damn thing about reloading.

They were using "Bullseye" which only used a few grains in 38. Hell you can put about a 10X overcharge in a 38 without filling up the case.

So a FEW got 2X charges from "one of us" and a few got NO powder.

"Wilcox" Class one mod one A.1 A-hole, was out where he did not belong, on graveyard, shooting in the gravel pit AT NIGHT and OUT OF the city limits. He came busting back into the the office all PEEE OOOO'ed and he JUST KNEW the I, me, was THE one responsible.

..............For causing the wadcutter he was firing to get stuck between the barrel and the cylinder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because there was no powder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"What would have happened if I'd needed my gun in an 'MERGENCY??"

"............uh.............whut were ya doin out of the city ..........shooting......anyway....?"
