Effin' Fed Ex.............

The problem I have with courier companies is they want customs and brokerage fees on everything crossing the border, doesn't matter how low the declared value is.
I purchased an item from the States, the seller verified with FedEx U.S.A prior to giving them order if there would be any customs/brokerage fees he was told no. I didn't trust what they said so I called FedEx Canada and was told no because the declared value of the item did not exceed the cap in which customs & brokerage fees would warranted. We go ahead and have the item shipped, when it arrives for my own piece of mind I ask the delivery guy is there any outstanding fees owning on the package, he says no. Three months later a FedEx invoice comes through the mail for customs/brokerage fees, I go through the ceiling, when the seller finds out he goes through the ceiling and the roof up into outer space. A huge dispute was launched with FedEx head office and after everything was said and done they would only reduce the bill by 50%.